My Tech collection
This page is a categorized list of 'obsolete' technology I have collected and repaired, what is currently here is only a fraction of what I've aquired. I'll add more as I get around to photographing them.
All images were taken with an old canon handheld digital camera (Powershot ELPH170 IS) for an authentic 'grainey' look. Please enjoy this collection :)
Tape Players (walkman)

When I purchased this model it actually came with operating manual!
Unlike most walkman this model doesn't have a "belt-clip" instead it came with a small carrying case akin to a 'fanny-pack'
It is also capable of picking up TV and Weatherband signals as well as AM and FM, it has a neat analog interface/display and loads cassettes in the back

My most used walkman. I broke the belt-clip on this one, I tried to fix it with flexible adhesive but it's in a tricky spot since the battery port is so close to the clip
AM/FM capable, loads cassettes in the front with a tiny view port to watch the reel turn

This is acutally not my picture, this is the exact model of walkman I owned and repaired, but I have misplaced it
It's unfortunate that I lost it since it was my favourite, I used it so much it broke. It wasn't held together with anything more complex than plastic clips, which was a challenge to open up without breaking
After opening it up I replaced the rubber band on the motor. It was my favourite walkman because it had such a huge viewport to watch the cassette, and it was a nice large 'boxy' shape :)

My first Nintendo DS, it came with Guitar Hero and a stylus shaped like a guitar pick (so cool!)
It also came with stickers, some of which I pasted on the lid (the Guitar Hero Logo is printed on there!)